Waikato Patchwork and Quilters Guild Meets the 2nd Saturday of the month with a Guest Speaker and a Guest Merchant stand for fabrics and notions.
- The foyer opens from 10.30 am for members and friends to sit & stitch have a coffee and share lunches. The Hall then opens at 12:15 pm for members to borrow library books, look over our guest merchant's supplies.
- The Guild meeting start at 1:15 pm and we finish each meeting with an afternoon tea.
We welcome new members to the Guild. We welcome all - beginners and those with quilting experience.
Feel free to contact us or just come and join one of our meetings.
Feel free to contact us or just come and join one of our meetings.
Next Meeting - 8th March 2025
Chartwell Cooperating Church, Comries Rd
Chartwell Cooperating Church, Comries Rd
- The First meeting of the Waikato Patchworkers and Quilters Guild was held in Cambridge in 1978.
- As the Hamilton membership grew it was agreed to move the meetings to Hamilton in 1981.
- By March of 1989 the guild were regularly meeting once a month at St Albans Church Hall where we still meet today. Now known as Chartwell Cooperating Church.
- In 1990 the guild became an incorporated society.
- In 2017 we celebrated our Pearl Anniversary (30 years)
- To promote the art and craft of Patchwork and Quilting
- Bring quilters together regularly and encourage the establishment of Patchworking and Quilting Groups.
- Encourage and maintain high standards of craftsmanship and design in both traditional and contemporary patchwork and quilting.
- Organise exhibitions and regional days. Calling All Quilts (CAQ) and WAI Quilts both bi-annual exhibitions held on alternative years.
- Publish a regular newsletter.
- Provide workshops, lectures, seminars and encourage the exchange of information, expertise and ideas on subjects of concern or interest to members and a visiting guest speaker and trade stand.
- Provide a library of books, magazines and quilting stencils available for hire to members only.